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In search of a dev setup for PowerShell

· 2 min read
Enterprise Architect, Technology Enthusiast, & an Avid Motorcyclist

In search of a better shell experience in PowerShell. Something akin to the Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k zsh theme goodness that I am accustomed to on the Linux side.

Oh My Posh is a thing and I'm giving that a try. I'll update this post after playing around with it.


There are several ways of installing Oh My Posh on Windows. I used winget in a regular powershell window in Microsoft Terminal) (stdout below)

I won't document the whole process but I'm impressed enough with Oh My Posh to give it a go as my go to prompt engine for PowerShell.

Some fun screenshots:

  • autocomplete
  • Fun folder icons Shell displays git information


Some things I learnt along the way:

  • There is a difference between pwsh.exe (latest, based on .Net Core) and powershell.exe (based on .Net Framework)
  • Found the location of the equivalent of .zshrc/.bashrc for Powershell. The value is stored in the environment variable called $PROFILE. You have to create it the first time around. It can be simply done by doing code $PROFILE, which will open the file in vscode.

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In conclusion

This has given me some basic goodies (shell completion, git information, a pretty shell) that has gone a long way to make me feel comfortable doing shell work in Windows using PowerShell. So far so good, but if there are any wild opinion changes over the course of the next few months of usage, I'll be sure to document them here...until next time!